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Category : International

Young women workers still struggling for equality, equity and dignity!!

Young women workers still struggling for equality, equity and dignity!!For so long, women have been exploited, discriminated, harassed and oppressed in the factories, the houses and the societies, and looked at as

Young Workers in the World of Work Today, our Vision for Tomorrow

The delegates and national movement’s representatives of the International Young Christian Workers together with the members of Catholic Inspired Organizations, associations and trade unions, gathered in Bandung,

Basma Louis : Inspiration Moment

Basma Louis - IYCW President was invited to speak at the "Inspiration Moment", an event organized by our partner WSM on December 13, 2022 at Brussels, Belgium. She speaks about the importance of the social movements and

The IYCW Calls for Empowering Programs for the Youth

The IYCW took part in the 2022 International Conference of NGOs at UNESCO Headquarters (Room II) & online, which was held in Paris from 14-16 December 2022 with the general theme, “Breaking barriers – What role

Long live the JOC and our community of sisters and brothers

Centuries, so many worlds, so many spaces and fits...And after years of traveling finally sharing the road with those who are always in my heart...Remembering the memory of someone who "certainly must have been in hell,

Rest in Peace D. Ravi Jayaprakash

It is with grief and sorrow that we heard about the demise of D. Ravi Jayaprakash. Comrade Ravi, former IYCW ASPAC Team member and a former National Secretary of YCW India, a good leader and our respected friend.His

ASPAC Message: : Young Workers Demand a Decent Living Income

“In the world today, there is a wide gap between the decent life everyone is supposed to be entitled to and the difficulty we have to meet our most basic needs,” said the YCW Asia Pacific (ASPAC) team in

ILC 2017: IYCW & WSM Joint Statement on Labour Migration

As it does every year, the IYCW attended the 106th session of International Labour Conference held in Geneva in June 2017. Below is the IYCW-WSM joint statement on labour migration, read by Antonio Zela, a YCW

Cooperation between IYCW and WSM

Last Friday 15th February, the International Secretariat (IS) team members met with representatives of World Solidarity Movement (WSM) as part of the process of integration of the new IS members. The meeting

IYCW 15 th International Council opening ceremony

On the 23d of October 2022, the IYCW held the public opening of its 15th International Council in Peru as a symbolic show of unity of the struggles of the young workers organized by the movement. The context in which