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Tag : Continental

From Climate Crisis to a Just Transition: The Role of Social Protection

The International Young Christian Workers- Asia Pacific (IYCW-ASPAC) organized a dynamic Social Protection and Climate Justice seminar held in Sancanaga Tourist Village, Bandung Indonesia last September 25, 2024. It

IYCW-ASPAC Continental Exchange and Cultural Exposure 2024

"We must regain the conviction that we need one another, that we have a shared responsibility for others and the world, and that being good and decent are worth it." – Laudato Si'The IYCW-ASPAC together with

IYCW Statement on Fundamental Principles and Workers Right during the ILC 2024

Dear Mr./Ms. Chairman. Thank you for giving us the floor.  The Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work is under threat in many countries. We cannot deny the facts that the shortage of Decent Work opportunities

IYCW ASPAC Held Webinar on the IYCW Gender Tool Kit

The working conditions of women workers especially in Asia-Pacific remains difficult and the level of discrimination and exploitation are bringing huge impact in their lives. In Pakistan for instance, according to

Featuring the Asian Roundtable on Social Protection (AROSP) Network

The COVID-19 pandemic did not only challenge the way of life and work of the people around the world, but it also test the resiliency of many social organizations and trade unions. Many movements and organizations


A VITAL FIRST STEP TOWARDS TRANSPARENT AND EFFECTIVE COORDINATIONManila, Philippines- The IYCW-ASPAC coordinators led by Brian and Rony convened the first IYCW-ASPAC Management Committee meeting last January 15, 2024

Young workers met with young trade unionists in indonesia for collaboration of work on SP

In his field mission to Indonesia last July 2023, Mr. John Brian Geronimo (IYCW-ASPAC Coordinator) together with YCW-PPMP INDONESIA met the Youth Committee leaders of KSBSI during the opening ceremony of the KSBSI

Young people from Thailand Visit Indonesia

On September 3, 2023, Thanakorn and other friends from Thailand visited Indonesia, they attended the ASEAN Civil Society Conference/ ASEAN People Forum's (ACSC/APF 2023) at the Catholic University of Jakarta, which

International Young Christian Workers statement on Labor Protection

International Young Christian Workers statement on Labor Protection in the International Labor Conference in Geneva, Switzerland On behalf of the International Young Christian Workers, we thank the Committee on

What is Decent work

When we work we get paid and we can buy the things we needed. But more than that, work give us the purpose in life. Work can provide service to other people in need and belongingness to one community to achieve one