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Young workers met with young trade unionists in indonesia for collaboration of work on SPfor collaboration of work on social protection


In his field mission to Indonesia last July 2023, Mr. John Brian Geronimo (IYCW-ASPAC Coordinator) together with YCW-PPMP INDONESIA met the Youth Committee leaders of KSBSI during the opening ceremony of the KSBSI National Congress in Jakarta Indonesia. The first encounter sought for possible collaboration on the campaign on Social Protection in Indonesia and in Asia.

The meeting was fruitful because the two organizations have shared and discussed the analysis and realities of young workers who are living under  precarious work and the lack of social protection both in the formal and informal economy.  Given the fact that young workers up until now are in a vulnerable situation for they don’t have security at work, very low income, unprotected against unemployment, lack of social protection, and most of the time their rights as workers are not respected. These realities that are happening in Indonesia are also a reflection of realities to other countries in Asia like the Philippines, Thailand, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

The said meeting also opened  possibilities for future collaboration to strengthen the campaign on Social Protection. It is resolved that the two organizations agree to host webinars and other face to face activities related to the SP campaign. Likewise to exchange,  train and  empower youth leaders who will lead and carry the Social Protection in Asia.

Side event meeting with WSM coordinators

It was also a good opportunity to meet during the event the key persons from World Solidarity Movement, who is a long traditional partner of YCW in Asia. IYCW-ASPAC have shared the updates and development with  the national movements that YCW is working on, especially  YCW India, YCW Sri Lanka and YCW Philippines. 

Both WSM and IYCW-ASPAC have shared their future action in following up the synergy plan like field missions and visit, action campaign, and the level of preparation for the INSPIR Asia activity to be held in Siem Reap in Cambodia this coming September 2023 with a theme on “Climate Justice and Social Protection in Asia”.

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