The IYCW-ASPAC team and
YCW Philippines joined the symbolic action during the INSPIR ASIA Network Workshop
on Climate Justice and Adoptive Social Protection in Seim Reap Cambodia last
September 25, 2023. About 70 Participants gathered from the different
organizations, Trade Unions, Civil society organization and social movement from
Philippines, Nepal, Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Australia and the
host country Cambodia. It was facilitated
and organized by WSM and INSPIR Asia network with the aim discussing one of the
burning topic and concern issues on the Climate Justice and Social Protection.
Why we don’t want the climate change?
Climate change affects us all! It is a
phenomenon that shifts temperature and weather pattern. Yet, still many people think climate change generally
means hot temperatures. The rising of temperature is the only the beginning,
because the Earth we live is an ecosystem, where everything is connected.
In the past few years, especially here in Asia, we have experienced drastic and intense droughts, water scarcity, terrible fires, rising of sea levels, severe flooding, and terrible typhoons. Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) that hits the Philippines (2013), and extensive flooding in India and China (2023), and the wildfire in Australia (2020) are few examples of how Climate Change destroyed properties, claim lives of the people. and alter the way of living of the people.
Climate change alter the way of life of
the people. It affects health, capacity of the production of foods and
agricultural products, housing, and work. Women, children, informal workers,
farmers, fishermen and young workers are the sector that are more vulnerable to
climate impacts. People living in small houses and crowded communities who are
generally poor are forcibly displaced by floods, while the lengthened droughts and
scarcity of water are putting people at risk of hunger and famine.
In our experience, the socially
disadvantage suffer the most of the consequences of the climate change.
is to blame?
Many scientists claim that human and human’s
activities are the primarily responsible of climate change caused by global
warming. Global warning happens due to large consumption and burning of fossil
fuels that generate greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere trapping the
sun’s heat.
Carbon dioxide and methane are the main
component of greenhouse gases. These are coming from using gasoline like
driving cars and other vehicles. Any oil and gas related operations are major
sources of carbon dioxide and methane emissions. Cutting down forests for
commercial use and mine exploration can also release carbon dioxide.
Concludingly, the energy, transport, industry,
factories, agriculture, land use and conversions are the main sector causing
greenhouse gases. The question now is, who is in control of these economic
activity sectors?
Please refer to the graph.
is Climate Justice we want?
The clock is ticking and we are running out of
time. According to report, in South East Asia, only 33% of the population is
covered by at least 1 scheme of Social protection, while in South Asia, only
24% of the population is covered.
Climate change is a young worker’s issue, a
worker’s issue and a human rights issue! We have to fight the corporate greed
and plunder of the environment!
We are then resolved to join forces together
with other organizations, trade unions, institutions, church and
environmentalists to “ask the Global
Emitters to Act and Pay for the Loss and Damage Fund for Financing the Social
this, we believe CLIMATE JUSTICE IS SERVE!
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